Coventry Cathedral was destroyed by fire in 1940. These 14th. century hand carved nails from its roof were formed into a cross which became a symbol of reconciliation in a divided world. When the diocese of Worcester its 1300th anniversary in 1980 this cross of nails was given to it by the Bishop and people [...]
Archive for the tag 'Worcester'
Filed under Art, Colwall 2017, Faith Foundations, Holidays
Father Forgive
8 Comments CherryPie on Jul 5th 2017
Filed under Colwall 2017, Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays
The Crypt – Worcester Cathedral
The Crypt is the most substantial remnant of St Wulfstan’s Cathedral. The semi-circular end of the crypt reflects the original shape of the main Cathedral above before it was extended in the thirteenth-century. Although the crypt is smaller than when it was built it is still an impressive work of late eleventh-century architecture.*
*Information source – [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Jul 3rd 2017
Filed under Colwall 2017, Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays
The Chantry Chapel – Worcester Cathedral
Arthur, Prince of Wales, eldest son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, was born in 1486 and baptized by the Bishop of Worcester. With his father and mother, and grandmother. the Lady Margaret, he visited Worcester in his boyhood. At the age of 15 he was married to Catherine of Aragon; the young pair [...]
8 Comments CherryPie on Jun 28th 2017
Filed under Colwall 2017, Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays
The Quire – Worcester Cathedral
12 Comments CherryPie on Jun 27th 2017
Filed under Colwall 2017, Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays
The Tomb of King John
The tomb of King John rests on the pavement within the Quire at Worcester Cathedral.
In his will, made a few days before his death and preserved in the cathedral library, he asked to be buried in the ‘church of St Mary and St Wulfstan at Worcester’. In his lifetime, John had often visited Worcester and [...]
8 Comments CherryPie on Jun 26th 2017
Filed under Colwall 2017, Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays
The High Altar – Worcester Cathedral
For 1300 years people have gathered around and altar here to break bread together in the Holy Eucharist. Still we come to hear the teaching of Jesus, to pray, to share the bread of life and the cup of salvation as did Worcester’s two great saints, Oswald (925-992) and Wulstan (c. 1008-1095), whose remains were [...]
9 Comments CherryPie on Jun 24th 2017