
Thiepval memorial stands in an isolated windswept position and is the largest memorial in the world and was opened on 31st July 1932 by the Prince of Wales. It contains over 72,000 names of British and Commonwealth men with no known graves, who fell on the Somme between July 1916 and March 1918.   Most of these died during the first battle of the Somme.  An inscription on the memorial reads:

Here are recorded names of officers and men of the British Armies who fell on the Somme battlefields July 1915 February 1918 but to whom the fortune of war denied the known and honoured burial given to their comrades in death.

To the rear of the memorial is cemetery which unusually contains both British and French burials (300 of each). This commemorates the joint Anglo-French action that took place in the Somme. The French are buried to the left and the British on the right

In Memory
For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

17 Comments CherryPie on May 8th 2009

17 Responses to “PhotoHunt – In Memory”

  1. Dragonstar says:

    A dramatically simple shot – very effective.
    Mine will be up at midnight.

  2. Wolfie says:

    Every time I think of WW1 I just can’t help but baulk at the numbers this country lost, so many of the best of us that it changed the social demographic make-up of the country to today. At my old boarding-school there was a list of fallen boys, nearly eight years worth of students on it, whole families erased. Tragedy.

    • CherryPie says:

      It is quite sickening when you think of the numbers that fell. When I say the poppies for remembrance Sunday it always reminds me of the blood that was lost.

  3. ubermouth says:

    What I really hate most about war is that, after the big wigs have sent in the cannon fodder, they make treaties with their enemies and tea and biscuits all around. Except for the boys.

  4. Excellent shot and a a perfect take on this week’s theme Cherie

  5. gengen says:

    Nice one for the theme. Happy weekend. Mine is up…

  6. CherryPie says:

    Happy weekend to you too, on my way to check yours out.

  7. jmb says:

    That is indeed a very impressive memorial Cherie and thanks for the explanation.

    Have a good weekend.

    • CherryPie says:

      It is quite humbling to stand beside it. I would have liked to have walked round to the cemetery but the ground was too waterlogged.

  8. RJ Flamingo says:

    What a magnificent memorial and beautiful shot to capture it, Cherie. I think you also completely capture our sentiments about wars – past, present, and undoubtedly, future.

  9. CherryPie says:

    Thank You, the moment was quite poignant xx

  10. NitWit1 says:

    What a unique and impressive memorial!

    My post:

  11. NitWit1 says:

    What an impressive and uniquely designed memorial. Thanks for sharing.

    My Post: