If you wake up looking like this, don’t go to work…


26 Comments CherryPie on Jul 21st 2009

26 Responses to “Swine Flu Alert”

  1. angus dei says:


    Have you been hacking into my photos on my mobile phone?

  2. Phidelm says:

    Yes, Cherie, how did you get this pic of our friend Angus?
    Seriously tho’, it is even more worrying – I have always looked like this. It is not possible for someone to have had a recently-mutated virus for decades, so …

  3. jameshigham says:

    Just how bad is it out there now?

  4. Ellee says:

    Thanks for making me smile. I have seen worse first thing in the morning :-)

  5. jameshigham says:

    Forgive this OT promotion but please support Man in a Shed’s “Silly Week” next week. Logos are available at his site.

  6. Haha! Nice one. We’ve got an alert here: a student returning from London has contracted it.

  7. ubermouth says:

    OMG That’s my ex husband- I wondered where he’d got to!

  8. ubermouth says:

    The one time I am serious and people think I am kidding.
    Now oy know why I didn’t have kids!

  9. Strangely he would not look out of place here in Romford…

  10. liz says:

    Yuck! That is hideous!!

  11. luisa brehm says:

    ;-) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you made me laugh now, Fairy !!!
    love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!

  12. Mon says:

    Hey, its made laugh after reading all the comments here, first I thought what the hell, it was placed in my pharmacy. its Hideous though.