I eventually managed to get to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was well worth the wait, although I could have done without all the interruptions from people frequently leaving and entering the cinema throughout the film. The essence of the book was captured very well, but I think some bits of the film would be confusing if you hadn’t read the book. A must for any Harry Potter fan.
Before the film I just had to have a go at the new indoor mini golf course. There are actually two 18 hole courses and obviously the more difficult of the two had to be tested. I thought I was doing quite badly but I managed to finish 10 shots in the lead
After the film it was time for a bit to eat and I had a delicious tuna steak with risotto and veg.
I do hope you all like the sky I enjoyed on my journey home.
And what is in store for me tomorrow? Well that is another day
I think I’ll wait for the DVD, cinemas can be very annoying, or at les]ast the people can:)
Lovely sky, and the meal sounds tasty, Mini Golf?;)
There is just something about seeing some of the films on the big screen. Now if only we could get rid of the other people
You’re a keen golfer? One learns a new thing every day.
Oh! no I have never played golf. It was crazy golf which is just a bit of fun
Sounds like a great way to spend a day Cherie!
It was a lot of fun
Going to the cinema used to be a bit of an ‘occasion’ – not any more, sadly. Glad you enjoyed it, though – esp as you’re obviously a fan. And well done on the mini-golf course! Excellent pic, as usual
I think the problem is over large drinks and the need to go and buy the disgusting food to eat whilst watching the film. I don’t know why they can’t get themselves sorted out before hand.
I took it through the car window on the way home
I have never read a Harry Potter book or seen one of the films. Not my genre.
Lovely sky photo, Cherie.
I will read most types of books, I like a bit of variety
what, Fairy, do you play mini golf ??? wowwwwwwwwwwww that’s cool, now i know why you are always in shape !!! me ??? i neither know to bike
lots of looooooooooooooooooooooove for all week
I like to play crazy golf, but it is the first time I have played for years
Love to you too xoxoxoxoxoxox
That’s an amazing sky. I could look at it for ages.
So glad you like it
Beautiful sky.
We haven’t managed to get to see HP yet. I think we might wait until it’s on video!
It is well worth it, it did the book justice