I had a great day out yesterday but where did I go?

A Grand Day Out

13 Comments CherryPie on Nov 1st 2009

13 Responses to “Out for the Day”

  1. Given that it was a day out and the sky is overcast, it isn’t Krak des Chevaliers!

  2. Bernard says:

    Haven’t the foggiest idea.
    But you could have asked the owner to take in the towel he had hanging out of the window!
    (See…after that bit with the bags….we have our beady eyes open)

  3. Phidelm says:

    Tower of London, Cherie? You are going to tell us, now, aren’t you young lady ;-) ?! Anyway, hope you had a fab time. Mx

  4. [...] day trip to London where I spent most of the day in the Tower of London. The picture I showed in my previous post showed the curtain walls that surround the

  5. Ellee says:

    Did you see any ravens and the woman Beefeater?