You are on a horse riding away.
On the left side is a long drop.
On the right is an Elephant going at the same speed.
In front is a Kangaroo which you can’t pass.
Behind is a Lion.
How do you get out of this dangerous situation?

Standing Guard

Highlight for the answer: Get off the kids roundabout and start acting your age!!!

19 Comments CherryPie on Nov 23rd 2009

19 Responses to “A Bit of a Laugh”

  1. Bernard says:

    Sorry, if the elephant is on the inside (your right) he will not be going at the same speed. He will be going slower. (unless measured in radians).

  2. MTG says:

    I stop playing the Hollies record?

  3. jpt says:

    I like the ‘highlight’ effect – is that blog invisible ink!?

  4. Claudia says:

    I would gladly accept and confront the surrounding dangers, if only I could find that horse and climb upon him. Please, tell me where to go, CherryPie…;-)

  5. Never. I demand that the Council reinforce the swings so that they don’t break when I sit on them!

  6. Phidelm says:

    Don’t get off the carousel! Took me ages to work this out … at first I was thinking ‘mediaeval carvings in ecclesiastical setting’, and then the centime dropped – duh!

  7. Phidelm says:

    The kangaroo was a bit of a giveaway, there …!!