The answer to where is this picture and where is the picture within the picture is:

The frame is situated within Alnwick Castle Grounds looking out over the countryside.  Just of to the left is the view of the Lion Bridge which can be seen here.  Just out of sight of the picture is the river that Claudia mentioned in the comments section in the previous post.


The River Aln

8 Comments CherryPie on Dec 4th 2009

8 Responses to “A Picture Within a Frame”

  1. Claudia says:

    Very interesting! I thought you had combined one of your marvellous photos with an English painting. I was looking for a river because, when I googled Briish sceneries, most of your artists had depicted a riverside with people in boats.

  2. luisa brehm says:

    that’s sooooooooooo cool, Fairy ;-) )))))))))))))
    i love the effect …. may we go within too ???

    lots of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee and kissesssssssssssssssssss
    & a magical weekend

  3. I love that idea with the frame!