The next port of call on the walking tour was the Burg which is the most historic square in Bruges.  According to 9th century manuscripts the Burg was the centre of civic and religious life:

It takes its name from the fortress of the ‘burg’, that was built here in 865 by Baldwin Iron Arm, the first Count of Flanders, as defence against Norman invasion, and around which a village developed.  Popular events, including burnings at the stake and beheadings, were often held in the Burg.*


Heilig Bledbasiliek

Burg Skyline

The Scales of Justice

*Insight Guides, Bruges, Smart Guide

10 Comments CherryPie on Dec 15th 2010

10 Responses to “The Burg”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Right, that’s it – I need to book a ticket.

  2. Sean Jeating says:

    Yep. Certainly a nice place to get one’s head chopped off.

  3. Marcie says:

    What exquisitely beautiful detail on these buildings. Sounds like a wonderful walking tour!!!

  4. popular events, eh?! ;p

  5. Janice says:

    I wonder if the residents truly appreciate their fantastic architecture or if to them it’s the same old, same old…