Or to be more precise a hassley week. The office move went ahead quite smoothly and the building is under it’s finally stages of completion. To co-inside with the move we also changed to a new way of working, but not everyone is fully on board with that yet which is causing me some problems.
My Mum took a tumble and bumped her head whilst stepping out of the way of a postman on his cycle. At least the postman stopped and looked after her and called the paramedics out. She seems OK now though
To top it all off, on the way into work one morning I had to pick up a parcel from town. It proved extremely difficult especially when I tried to park. I realised the car park was full and was going to give up and try on another day. As I was trying to reverse out someone parked up behind me leaving me no way to get out!!! I thought they must be trying to get out of the car park before me so I moved out of their way so they could. There was no other reason that I could see for why they didn’t reverse up a bit to let me out. The car then followed me round and completely blocked me in…
It seems the person was so desperate for the next available space when it became available that they were oblivious of me trying to get out of the car park and their way. Some people!!!
The parcel contained some free photo and video editing software and a voucher for a photographic course (courtesy of Panasonic), so at least the hassle was worth it.
I shall now share a little beam of light with you
PS: I forgot to mention I was awoken by the phone ringing at 7am this morning. It was my day for a lie in so I was NOT impressed.
I guess I had looked up the wrong number!
I must remember to put my glasses on before dialling my bookmaker!
I was going to place an early bet on the MP for the Wrekin, resigning!
(Is he your MP by any chance?)
I understand he’s been a bit rude to the speaker. (He, he, he.)
I think the speaker had it coming to him
In our local paper Mark is quoted as saying “I regret my colourful language, but I don’t regret sticking up for myself or against his extreme rudeness, which ultimately is being rude to my constituents”
Grworaowr rowroar waaaarr!
Yes you had some great adventures there
Parking can be very stressful! We have a van – total blind spot
I am very funny about where I park my car. I still haven’t found a comfortable area in the new car park at work.
Sorry you had such a bad day. Hope your mum is OK now. Love your glimmer of light.
She seems OK, but she has lost her confidence a bit.
Hope your Mom or (Mum) is OK. Don’t you just hate it when it is your one day to sleep in and someone disturbs you! I like your shots of the sun coming through the trees. When I take those kind, I never know how they will turn out–your shots are very nice. Hope this next week goes “smoother” for you. Mickie
Thanks Mickie
I am never quite sure how those sun-shots will come out either. Digital cameras seem to have a mind of their own in that respect. So it is always nice to wait for the surprise that is revealed
The big question is when you get a break from it all.
That is a question I have wanted an answer to for quite some time!
Somedays seem to go wrong from the start, and others the opposite, so let’s hope your good day is coming up soon!