Chirk Tunnel is 420m (459 yards) in length and is one of two tunnels at Chirk; the other is the shorter Whitehurst Tunnel. The tunnels are significant in that they were the first tunnels in Britain to incorporate a tow-path.

Approaching the Tunnel

Daylight Again

14 Comments CherryPie on May 28th 2011

14 Responses to “Chirk Tunnel”

  1. Now there is a way to get away from it all.

  2. I seriously would like to have a canal boat holiday now! :)

  3. ....peter:) says:

    I just love to see photos of the slender canal boats in England….i like your composition on both shots….but my favorite one is Chirk Tunnel…peter:)

    • CherryPie says:

      Thank you Peter :-) I do have a picture of the two boys on the right fishing before the boat came through which I may post.

  4. Ce lieu est excellent… J’ai des sevenirs de canaux comme ceux-ci dans le sud de la France. Bonne semaine à toi !

  5. jameshigham says:

    There are many canal boats around now, coming out of hibernation.

  6. Steve Hayes says:

    How much time did you have?

    I’d love to have a couple of years in one of those boats, but I thin I’d have to win the Lotto first!

  7. Chrissy says:

    I love to see them and can happily spend an hour or two watching but I confess that I think I would get a little bored over a few days!