Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.

Robert A. Heinlein

After the Rain

12 Comments CherryPie on Jun 5th 2011

12 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. jameshigham says:

    This is what we are mentioning at Orphans with monotonous regularity. :)

  2. Sometimes liberty must be defended to death, sadly

    • CherryPie says:

      Yes sadly…

      I just saw this relevant quote on one of my friends FB page:

      If you’re not ready to die for it, take the word “freedom” out of your vocabulary.
      - Malcolm X -

  3. Marcie says:

    Exquisitely beautiful detail. Love the softness..the color!

  4. Liberty is not free.
    Nothing is really free.
    Everything comes with a price.
    Liberty costs lives.
    Lots of lives lost in war.

  5. Ginnie says:

    Sigh. Why does this have to be true!!!!