
RAF Memorial

God is Light

16 Comments CherryPie on Dec 14th 2011

16 Responses to “Memorials”

  1. Jane says:

    Lovely tributes and you have captured them beautifully.

  2. Claude says:

    Very impressive!

  3. Beautiful. Onthe matter of memorials I am glad that Bomber Command will be getting a memorial in London next year. Long overdue!

  4. Crash Ryan says:

    whatever that globey thing is I like it !!!!!

  5. jameshigham says:

    Certainly impressive, Cherie.

  6. Twilight says:

    So glad you featured the astroniomical clock memorial. It was always a favourite part of a Minster visit for me, and such a beautiful way to remember those who died protecting us.

    • CherryPie says:

      Every time I visit the Minster I find myself drawn to that memorial. I find it quite fascinating.

      If I have time I will be doing a further post with a bit of an explanation added to it.

  7. It’s rather rare to see white roses.

    Then, I saw your tag, York.
    Oh yes, of course, white rose of York. ;)

    What’s your county flower, C?
    Do you know London’s?

    It’s rosebay willowherd.
    Yes, a small flower with a big name! Ha.

    • CherryPie says:

      Well my flower is the red rose of Lancaster (Lancashire).

      Maybe a Lancashire girl shouldn’t be seen in a Yorkist stronghold…

      But if I go back just a little further in time my ancestors on my fathers side were firmly routed in Yorkshire ;-)

  8. J_on_tour says:

    I love the clean colours and sharp lines of the clock and the depth of meaning in all the text. Very appropriate place to put the book of remembrance.