Certainly, knowledge is a lock and its key is the question.

Ja’far Al-Sadiq (702 – 765)

Focused on Nature

10 Comments CherryPie on Jan 8th 2012

10 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Bernard says:

    Now, that’s a question and no mistake!
    I read that quote over and over. A bit of a ‘chicken & egg’ which came first question. A bit like -
    “Knock and the door will open,
    Seek and you shall find,
    Ask and it shall be given,
    The key to ……,
    Can’t remember the rest. Never mind.
    Hope you are going to have a wonderfully photogenically prosperous and enjoyable New Year! :o
    I know I’m late – I’m always late! :(
    Take care, and thanks for your kind comments about my drawings.
    You must come up and see my ‘etchings’ some time! :o

    • CherryPie says:

      The quote is a little bit of a poser, I like it :-)

      This New Year has started off more complicated than I would wish!! Hopefully it will settle down soon…

      You must come up and see my ‘etchings’ some time!

      You sure know how to tease a girl ;-)

  2. AN excellent quote Cherie!

  3. ....peter says:

    Now you’ve got me thinking Cherie and i will spend the rest of my evening looking for the key…. i also like your flowers….peter:)

  4. Ginnie says:

    Definitely a quote that makes you think…and take a second look, Cherry!

  5. Marcie says:

    Exquisitely beautiful detail. Love the color and dof..and the quote – always inspiring!