When we live in darkness, our human life is a constant want.
When we live in Light, our divine life is a constant achievement.
Light in the physical is beauty.
Light in the vital is capacity.
Light in the mind is glory.
Light in the heart is victory.Sri Chinmoy
Filed under This & That
12 Comments CherryPie on Mar 20th 2012
WOW! You sure do have a way of picking your quotes, Ms. Cherry, to match your images!
I am glad you like it It took me quite a while to find just the right quote for this photograph
Well done, Cherie – keep it up.
Glad you like it
Such a beautiful and inspiring quote….and the image evokes such a place of serenity and peace.
I am glad it makes you feel that way, it is in my dining room
Splendid post!
Thanks Claude
A beautiful quote and image!
Thank you
Kinda Christmasy, C!
Did you finish your brussels sprouts?!
Well spotted
Of course I finished my sprouts, I am rather partial to them