Cedars of Lebanon

There are some fine specimens of Lebanon Cedars in Attingham Park but as I mentioned in a previous post, they have become quite fragile.

This spring the Cedars have cast their seeds into the wind, I have high hopes for a rebirth.

thousands of seeds from the cedars of Lebanon have been blown across the lawn leading down to the river – we will wait and see if we get any seedlings and transplant them to the nursery to grow on as replacement trees. Our cedars are unfortunately past their prime and many of them have rot inside, which is why they are fenced off with railings to prevent anyone from walking beneath.

Image copyright of Attingham Park Warden’s Blog.

9 Comments CherryPie on Apr 4th 2012

9 Responses to “Rebirth of the Cedars of Lebanon?”

  1. It would be great if new cedars sprang forth!

  2. james higham says:

    Powerful motif, rebirth, isn’t it?

  3. ....peter:) says:

    These are very different looking Cedars Cherie… i hope that the seeds will eventually produce seedlings….peter:)

  4. Chrissy says:

    Attingham wouldn’t look the same somehow with them…but, they must have taken years to get that big!

  5. Chrissy says:

    Without…even ;)