James 2:8
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
Other Biblical references to this quote can be found here.
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Filed under Faith Foundations, This & That
James 2:8
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
Other Biblical references to this quote can be found here.
Tags: Cherie's Place Thought, Doves, Peace, Scriptures, Understanding
14 Comments CherryPie on Sep 13th 2012
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Now I don’t quite know which way to fall with that one. The reference to scripture and royal law pushes me one way; the guidance to love our neighbours pushes me another way, but love “as thyself”? I often cannot stand myself, and then my neighbour is a rough and ugly bloke really, even if he does often offer me beer. I’ll have to think about it. Better than my usual instant scoffing dismissal though?
This quote is a response to someone who doesn’t really understand my thoughts and represents my thoughts other than they are.
I find the quote thought provoking, I have reflected on it for many years and tried to perfect my own thoughts…
I saw the word James in the reader and thought – oh no. But it was a different other James.
Yes a different James, although I deliberately chose that verse rather than the more obvious Matthew or Mark references.
I think your quote and the picture complement each other, Cherie
Thanks Lisl
As for the quote, yes I do subscribe to that and do love my neighbour as myself. If I’m hard on my neighbour, it’s only because I’m also hard on myself. If I’m kind to my neighbour, it’s because I also appreciate kindness. Yet I also appreciate truth can be hard at times.
I think the quote is telling us we should always ‘try’ to be kind. Yes it is difficult but that is the point.
I tried commenting yesterday, Cherry, with no success, so I’m glad it’s working now. Can you just imagine what kind of world we’d live in today if everyone lived by this “rule!”
The server where the blog is hosted was playing up and had to be rebooted.
It would be good if everyone could live by that rule.
Your words and image suits each-other well today!
I am glad you like them, thank you
the fellow down below looks like he’s just the right amount of ‘well fed’ to be able to enter his abode. nice image and well spotted
He is a bit fluffed up isn’t he?