Desserts at the Table

This weeks photo prompt was:

It’s where we gather,
Where we nourish,
Where we chat,
Where we create.

What will you find
On the Table?

This was what was on the dessert table on my last evening in Paris. All the ladies had the apple sorbet with Calvados and all the men had the sampler dessert. The sorbet was quite delicious and just what was needed to finish off my meal.

The ‘On the Table’ gallery is here.

14 Comments CherryPie on Oct 26th 2012

14 Responses to “52 Photos Project – Gallery 27 – On the Table”

  1. jamsodonnell says:

    Now that looks like jelly and ice cream for grown ups!

  2. liz says:

    looks tasty.

  3. Apple sorbet?
    Yum!! :)

  4. Bella says:

    This looks amazing! I hope you enjoyed every bite :)
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. james higham says:

    Just had sandwiches and am now ready for this.

  6. chuck-ct says:
