Happy Birthday :-)

On Saturday evening a good friend came round to visit.  There was lots of chatting, board games and a demonstration of Japanese medical skills and the next thing I knew it was 4.30 in the morning!!

The result of this late night/early morning meant I was rather lethargic during Sunday morning.  But I was forced to spring into action in the afternoon to clear away all the Christmas decorations. Following that there was the obligatory appearance of the vacuum cleaner to clear up all the little bits of decorations that linger on the carpet.  After all this activity I was able to log onto my computer for a few minutes before getting ready for my Sunday evening meal.

When I got up from the computer and left the room there was a heavy clunk as if something had fallen over.  When I went to investigate I couldn’t see that anything had moved and decided that it was the chair spinning round and hitting the desk.  I promptly forgot about it, until this morning…

When I opened the door to that room (the room I am in now) there was a little bit of resistance and it wouldn’t open fully.  When I managed to  open the door  and look behind it to investigate the problem I immediately noticed the word God glowing out from the dark and I could see a faint book outline underneath.  I bent down to pick the book up and realised that there were also two CDs on the floor as well.

I discovered the word God was on a bookmark. It is one I picked up a few years ago from St Mary’s Parish Church in Whitby whilst investigating my family history.  On one side of the bookmark there is a picture of the Church and on the other side the following quote:


Grant me

the Serenity

to accept the things

I cannot change,


to change

the things I can

and Wisdom

to know

the difference.

The other three things were also interesting…

The book was ‘Christy Moore, One Voice, My Life in Song’ – When I was campaigning against the moving of our work down south and the subsequent loss of skills, I used some of his songs in the campaign videos that I made.

One of the CDs contained photos taken by a colleague at a PCS conference a few years ago. Some of the photos on the disc were of an event where one of my campaign videos was shown – Tomorrow the first meeting takes place do discuss how we can raise awareness and campaign against the same issues.

The second CD had a few photographs that my Dad took of the flowers that I bought for my Mum’s 75th Birthday. She is 80 this year.

A message?…

Campaigning for Success

10 Comments CherryPie on Jan 7th 2013

10 Responses to “A Curious Incident…”

  1. Astrid says:

    There is more between heaven and earth that we know of, I often use that phrase.
    The quote I read for the first time in 1975, when I was in the USA for a year. So much truth and wisdom in it. Beautiful flowers. And yes, I think some events occur for a reason…..

  2. Lisl says:

    You are definitely being encouraged, Cherie

  3. Steve Hayes says:

    The Lord will provide!

  4. Barbara says:

    Must be good staying up till 4.30 am. used to do it but certainly not now. Mind you if I am still awake at 4.40 I sometimes wonder why. A lot of interesting coincidences.

    the serenity prayer is used by AA.

    • CherryPie says:

      Staying up till that time wreaks havoc with my time clock. I am still trying to catch up…

      Strange coincidences happen to me all the time.

      I didn’t know that the serenity prayer was uses by AA, you have taught me something new :-)

  5. Barbara says:

    I just noticed that you replied to me here but I would not usually be coming back for a reply Cheri once I had commented. Maybe you don’t have the facility that blogger has with direct E-mail replies.

    • CherryPie says:

      There should be a little box to tick underneath the comments box to enable a direct E-mail reply to the comments thread.

      I would be interested to know if it is still working.