Filed under Out & About

The Descent


I have to confess I am not a very good passenger whilst travelling down this road, due to the sheer drop. It is two way traffic but only room for one car on the road.

12 Comments CherryPie on Feb 9th 2013

12 Responses to “The Descent”

  1. rusty duck says:

    Oh my goodness. I am holding my breath just looking at the photo.

  2. Claude says:

    I would NOT go….Great photo!

  3. james higham says:

    Absolutely adore such things though one wonders what happened in the making of those roads.

  4. jamsodonnell says:

    NEVER EVER go over the Hardknott Pass!

  5. J_on_tour says:

    That is one exciting or scary road depending on which way you look at it !!

    I had no idea that Shropshire had such high hills until I went on a Rambling weekend back in 2001. I opted for Brown Clee Hill on the first day & a walk along part of The Long Mynd the second day. I remember staying at Wilderhope Manor (an Elizabethan house) converted into a youth hostel (most bizarre).