Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mahatma Gandhi
Harmony :: Symmetry :: Flow
When objects or events come together,
ebbing rhythmically.
Harmony makes sense.
It feels right.
The pieces balance each other.
Like peas and carrots,
coffee & cream,
black & white.
The Harmony gallery can be found here.
ca respire la liberté
To be free
I did not know they were by Gandhi but they do makes sense. SOOOO many of today’s problems would be solved I suppose.
It takes a great deal of practice to get anywhere near though, doesn’t it?
Harmony is the key word to everything, I think.
Beautiful picture with it. The bird is in harmony with its surrounding, it can fly and fly and fly….
The bird seems happy and free in that environment.
The eagle soaring over the mountains is one of natures most beautiful harmonious scenes… superb image Cherie !
It was a wonderful site on a very chilly day
That was not an eagle, was it?!
No it is not an Eagle
Especially in design.
Design is just a side issue. Unless you were thinking of the original design…