Photo copyright of TAG.
Some of you might recall that the boys take over my living room from time to time so that they can use the floor to play Napoleonic wargames. Before they even get to this point they exchange correspondence with the game umpire so that he knows where their figures are going be placed on the board. They are currently embarked on another campaign and a few days ago I received the following correspondence…
From: General C, commanding VII Corps
To: Madame C
Message Text:
My dearest lady,
I am recently arrived in Toulouse where I have now assumed command of VII Corps as ordered by the Emperor. VII Corps is a fine and powerful force of arms, if a little short of cavalry and sturdy boots. I have just issued orders for the Corps to concentrate in the Perpignan area prior to advancing into Spain. I trust you will wish me every success as I embark upon these endeavours on behalf of Bonaparte.
The route of the march from Toulouse to Perpignan will take me through Carcassonne, which fine walled town I know you cherish. As I pass by the citadel, I shall recall fondly our time enjoying cassoulet and fine wine. I can only hope that thunderstorms similar to the one that engulfed us that one balmy evening do not reoccur.
Yours always,
It would of course have been rude of me not to reply
From: Madame C
To: General C
Message Text:
My Dearest One,
I hope you manage to sort out your cavalry and boot deficiencies and I wish you well in your campaign in support of Bonaparte.
I have fond memories of our times together in that walled citadel. I have to confess that the storm you mention was not one of the highlights for me, but the warmth indoors after the storm I well remember.
Whilst you are away I shall take comfort in the peaceful atmosphere in Chartres Cathedral, which I know you enjoy so much when you are back in our home town and not campaigning. I may even walk the labyrinth to calm my thoughts and stop me worrying about the difficulties you may encounter.
My thoughts are with you in these uncertain times.
Ever yours,
Such fun Madame C… i enjoyed this adventure very much…
when the boys… (our two grandsons) have a sleepover… they take over our living room by building a ship with all of the cushions from the couch and chairs and dress up like pirates… and the game goes on into the next day….
on the other hand… if it’s our two granddaughters… having a girls sleepover… it seems that they always want us to find something for them to do….
Boys will be boys:-)
Boys will be boys even when they are no longer boys. The boys mentioned in the post are into their several second boyhoods
Oh, how fun, Cherry. THIS is what life is all about. Fun and games.
So true
You really enter into the spirit of this, don’t you?!
I don’t normally, I must have had a mental aboration….
Ha! Fun to step into a different period now and then! You’re the same person, just a different role and era
I think we all secretly miss the “make-believe” we played as children. Our neighborhood mixed-company play, as children, usually consisted of “Pioneer days”, or “Old West” or “Pirates”, but we bored quickly, as there really weren’t any interesting roles for girls in those.
As for superhero play, the only female characters in Batman and Robin were the villainesses. (But in all fairness, the boys wanted no part in our “Charlie’s Angels” either. )
Most days in mixed company play, I ended up playing Wendy to their Peter Pan/ Lost Boys. Wait, I don’t think I quit playing that role …
I think in role play situations people do one of two things.
They play out who they really are, even if in RL they are too scared to show who they are and how they feel.
Or they play the exact opposite of who they are in RL.
As you mentioned the era doesn’t really matter, the roles are always the same
Oh… Do boys ever grow up…
From: ivan
To: General C, commanding VII Corps
I note your stated objective is to enter Spanish territory by way of the coastal plane.
Unfortunately, Sir, the Spanish are well aware of this route and are prepared for defence.
I would recommend that you consider the direct route from Carcassonne to the Col d’Ares via Ille-sur-Tet, Amelie-les-Bains and Prats-de-Molo. This will enable your force to take the Spanish from the rear and so improve your chances of success.
I remain, Sir, your obedient servant,
From: General C, Commanding VII Corps
To: ivan
Thank you for your advice concerning the best route by which to invade Spain.
I had considered a number of routes including several that crossed the Pyrenees. However, other considerations such as the logistics of hauling cannons through the mountain passes meant that these options had to be discarded.
I am aware that the Spanish are preparing to counter my advance but I do not think that they will have been able to concentrate their forces sufficiently to halt the momentum of my advance.
I remain, Sir, your obedient servant,
General C
I hear from my local priest that once again the brave troops of France march on those who do not agree with the policies of Napoleon. I regret that at my age I am unable to join this great adventure, if only I was 30 years younger and still had my right leg. I do hope that Gen C keeps safe so that he can once again fall into the arms of Madame C. The men of my village, many ex soldiers toast the Army, while the women are busy knitting socks.
I am sure that General C will be greatly encouraged by your warm wishes.