It is my turn at Vision & Verb today, I am reflecting on my adventures of 2013.
10 Comments CherryPie on Dec 26th 2013
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
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It is my turn at Vision & Verb today, I am reflecting on my adventures of 2013.
Tags: 2013, Life, Memories, Reflections, Vision & Verb
10 Comments CherryPie on Dec 26th 2013
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Just looking at your thumbnails,remembering the original posts, reminds me what a truly great life you have Cherie. I wonder how much of this is because of your positive thoughts and vibes?
Note to self: be jealous!
These images are the basis of a calendar that I made for Mr C as a Christmas present. I make him one every year for his office wall.
I try to be positive, sometimes I am better at it than others
What a year!
And you got yourself a new bathroom
I refer to the bathroom as Cherie’s Space. The one place in the house that is for me
LOL at LC. As you already know, I love your picking one image per month on which to hang your year. I wonder if I could do that?!
When I have done several things in one month I find it difficult to choose. I sometimes narrow it down by thinking about what Mr C might choose.
I like the selection you have chosen for your final collage, and your resume of the year at Visn & Verb. Slow Down?? Not YOU, I think!
Thank you
Mr C said the same thing about me slowing down
Calendar is a nice thought. It must be difficult picking 12 images though.
Some people say I have a great life too but there’s a lot more to the story than that. Life isn’t all all about holidays for me, some trips happen & I’ve got to deal with the consequences good or bad … & dress the post up for the viewer
It is difficult to choose the photos. But I prepare them for a calendar for Mr C so that helps me narrow down the ones that I might choose. It has to be things we have done or places or photos that are relevant in a different way. It is a challenge for me
I don’t tend to dress my posts up when I have unexpected consequences. I choose to include the incident, hint at the incident or if either of those are inappropriate (due to having to include content about other people), just blog about the place rather than the personal occurrences that took place…