Christmas Wreath

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8 Comments CherryPie on Dec 27th 2013

8 Responses to “More Powis Castle at Christmas”

  1. ubermouth says:

    A lovely series of photos,especially the last one. Foggy English countryside pics always remind me of my grandfather’s farm with the fog gently rolling in from the peaks and valleys,really setting the scene.

    I used to sometimes,jokingly call out,” Heathcliffe!!!!”

  2. ubermouth says:

    It is a beautiful castle. The architecture of England truly is marvellous. I was sitting in a pub from the 13th century when I was in Farnham. It had a beautiful old fireplace,the sort you could sit several people in, and I thought, ‘ only in England.’ Sadly, they renovated it into a modern bistro and ruined it.

  3. Natalie says:

    Nice job on the photos. SO pretty!

  4. J_on_tour says:

    You’ve whetted my appetite for more of this even if I have to see it for myself. Need an excuse for passing !!