Built by Thomas Telford, 1795 – 1805 there are 18 piers of local stone, the central ones over the Dee being 126′ high up to the ironwork.
The canal runs through the iron trough, 1007′ long, 11′ 10” wide and 5′ 3” deep, the largest in Britain. The iron was supplied by William Hazeldine form his foundaries at Shrewsbury and nearby Cefn Mawr.
Total cost £47,000
Water is fed from the Dee at the Horseshoe Falls at Llantysilio near Llangollen.
18 Comments CherryPie on Feb 24th 2015
What an architectural feat for the time, Cherie
It is quite amazing!
i really like the top two pictures Cherie… i have never seen an iron aqueduct and you have displayed it nicely….peter:)
It is well worth a visit if you come to the UK again
At £47,000, that sounds like a good deal, Cherry. WOW!
I wonder how much that would equate to today?
This is a remarkable engineering feat!
Have you been to the Falkirk Wheel?
That’s quite interesting too
No I have not seen the Falkirk wheel. Yet
Ah – that’s a place that’s long been on the list to visit; lucky you!
It is well worth a visit
That’s incredible that back then they understood engineering enough to make this bridge,let alone one that could withstand time. And it truly is beautiful as well.
Buildings and structures were built to last back then unlike now!!
Been over that in a narrowboat
I didn’t venture across it on foot, I am a bit funny with heights. I would however like to travel across it in a boat. I bet there is a fantastic view
Nice photos Cherie! We did walk across this a few years ago and brings back some nice memories.
Thanks Jane, I am glad you enjoyed the memory
Thomas Telford, what a genius of a civil engineer he was. His name keeps cropping up in the most unusual of places.
Stopped off twice in Llangollen for a short period of time in recent years. Not enough time to explore this magnificent aqueduct structure although I did make it up to the Llangollen canal wharf on the second occasion.
He was also responsible for roads as well as bridges