Dunham Massey

Deer May Safely Graze


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12 Comments CherryPie on Feb 25th 2015

12 Responses to “Tame Deer”

  1. ubermouth says:

    Beautiful, There is nothing like a close encounter with wildlife(providing they are not trying to eat you like a Timbit).

  2. rusty duck says:

    Gorgeous creatures. Although the gardener may not agree.

  3. They are lovely and quite at home.

  4. Nice (sigh… too short… nice)

  5. I had a yummy venison burger last week. ;)
    Should I feel bad now? He he…

  6. J_on_tour says:

    Magnificent shots of the deer.
    I had to make a weekend trip down to Crewe at the end of October last year (more of those to come) and your blog influence caused me look up a location on the friday. Unfortunately I opted for Tatton Park and got embroiled in a food festival. I don’t give up easily and will try again.

    • CherryPie says:

      Tatton Park is also good but I expect the crowds attracted by the food festival spoiled your enjoyment a little.

      I am glad my posts inspire you. Your posts often give me ideas of ‘to visit’ places too :-)