There is no foreign land; it is only the traveler that is foreign.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Mount Pilatus

12 Comments CherryPie on Mar 15th 2015

12 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Astrid says:

    :) That is a good one and that makes sense. Have a good week Cherry.

  2. Amfortas says:

    Everyone is a foreigner, except of course, the English. :) There has to be someone to explore all those foreign lands. :)

  3. Ginnie says:

    That must be why I feel at home in so many places, Cherry?!

  4. Stunning and such a truth for us to remember!

  5. Is that a house or a Church? (I see a cross on the peak). You certainly would need to be careful not to turn the wrong way when leaving it.

    • CherryPie says:

      It is a Church in the middle of nowhere. On my visit to the mountain, the rains came down and I noticed quite a few people sheltering in the doorway. I wondered where they had come from to be in such a remote inaccessible place…

  6. lordsomber says:

    I have an almost identical picture taken from Mt. Pilatus 30 years prior. Timeless.

  7. CherryPie says:

    It is a spectacular view isn’t it?