… I have edited all my Leuven photos and got them in some sort of order.

Martins Klooster

So now am able to share more detail  about the places I mentioned my in Leuven diary with you.

Do you have a special request from the places that I visited in Leuven?

8 Comments CherryPie on Jul 9th 2015

8 Responses to “Eventually…”

  1. ....peter:) says:

    This narrow roadway leading into the arch at the end is good enough for me…
    great composition with the sun on the façade of the houses on the right….peter:)

  2. Ginnie says:

    Well, then…let me think. You know I want to see details of everything. I have a feeling we’ll plan a trip there one day soon.

  3. Sackerson says:

    Good town for beer, isn’t it?

  4. Sure, love to see more chocolate photos. ;)