
The inside of the Staduis provides as much interest as the outside. Here are some of the many interesting rooms within.

The Court Room Ceiling

The Court Room

The Gothic Hall

This is the room where Leuven town council meets, even after the relocation of all the municipal services and the councillors’ offices to newer premises.

The beam blocks on the market side are 15th century old, gothic and were carved by the Brussels sculptor William Ards. They illustrate the life of Maria and Christ, the example of clemency and justice. The foyer underneath the gothic hall features scenes from the Old Testament: so that the New Testament has been literally built on top of the Old. A number of cornerstones between the beams are perhaps the work of Joes Beyaert; animals symbolise good and evil, symbols of the evangelists, prophets and church fathers etc.*

The Mayor's Office

The Mayor’s Office

In the beginning this is where the ‘Saint Peter’s Lords of the Seven Noble Families’ used to meet. Until a few years ago this served as the mayor’s office. It is decorated in and 18th century style.*

The Attic

The Attic

The attic is reached by way of  a spiral staircase. When you arrive at the top of the stairs you are greeted with a stunning view of roof beams of oak and rows of original sculptures from the building stadhuis facade.

The sculptures you see today on the richly ornate facade are not the originals! In 1828-1841, during restoration work, around 200 weather-damaged sculpted bases of the niches of the ‘front house’ and other 15th century sculptures in Avesnes stone were replaced by new sculptures in a different kind of stone. The original pieces ended up in the attic. But it turned out that the new pieces were not so weather resistant, so they were replaced again. Some of the sculptures from the 19th and 20th century are here because they have since been replaced.*

It was fascinating to be able to see close up, both the original and 19th century sculptures.

The Attic

*From the Tourism leaflet -The Town Hall; The Pride and Joy of Leuven

8 Comments CherryPie on Jul 28th 2015

8 Responses to “Within the Stadhuis – Leuven”

  1. Ginnie says:

    Yesterday we tool g’son Nicholas to Mini-Europe in Brussels and saw the model of the Leuven stadhuis there, Cherry, and immediately thought of you. We both want to visit that city because of these posts from you.

    • CherryPie says:

      I hope you enjoy Leuven when you visit :-) I am looking forward to seeing your photographs of Brussels and also the ones of Leuven in due course ;-)

  2. Chrysalis says:

    What a wonderful idea, the attic treasures – sort of makes visitors feel like they’re in on a sort of secret :)

    Interesting that some of the 19th century additions had deteriorated already, needing replacement at a much faster rate than their 15th century predecessors, isn’t it?

    • CherryPie says:

      It was a treasure trove up in the attic :-)

      I found it fascinating that the modern replacements had deteriorated at a faster rate!

  3. ubermouth says:

    Such sophisticated artwork is just amazing,considering the times. Truly beautiful!

  4. Belgian town halls are so lovely!
    I still remember the one in Bruges, shame they didn’t let me take any photos inside :(