Sunken Garden
Sunken Garden

Victorian Greenhouse

Victorian Greenhouse

11 Comments CherryPie on Aug 13th 2015

11 Responses to “The Sunken Garden & Victorian Greenhouse”

  1. Chrysalis says:

    Beautiful, reminds me of “The Secret Garden”, both the book and the song. Oh, how we women love our secret gardens, just beyond gates, with peaceful reflection pools.

    Not because there’s anything clandestine going on, but because we can catch a rare moment of solitude and tranquility within them. Well, Bruce knows…

    • Chrysalis says:

      Not sure about Bruce, but my meaning is that in this busy, noisy world, it’s often difficult to find that quiet, peaceful reflective time that’s reserved just for us – thank you for giving us that opportunity :)

    • CherryPie says:

      I think many women and men like secret gardens/places. When I mentioned to a male colleague that on my recent day off I was going to the memorial garden to remember my dad’s birthday and then after that I was going to have a relaxing day, on arrival at work the next day, he asked me where I went…

      When I told him I had gone to Attingham Park and he mentioned that he loved to go there with a book and sit on one of the benches. He totally got how I was feeling :-)

      And I get how he feels too :-)

      I had a book in my bag for that purpose but instead I just ’sat and rested a while’.


  2. ....peter:) says:

    i like the way that you invited us in with the open gate in the first photo Cherie…
    this is a beautiful presentation of the garden….peter:)

  3. Chrysalis says:

    Sorry to leave another comment, but I just wanted to leave the very first invitation to my new blog – to my favorite blogger of all time – Ms. Cherry Pie :)



  4. james higham says:

    Adore it, Cherie, absolutely adore it, as you know. Especially the last one.

  5. Ayush says:

    lovely greens and also the reds in the last shot, CP