Life’s picture is constantly undergoing change. The spirit beholds a new world at every moment.


Ever Changing Sky

20 Comments CherryPie on Jul 2nd 2017

20 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. ....peter:) says:

    i agree with your thought for the week completely… and i have the pictures to prove it Cheryl :)

  2. change is usual good. Life isn’t meant to be in perfect balance or we would never become who we meant to be.
    Coffee is on

  3. lisl says:

    Love the muted colours in that sky, Cherie – a good way to start the week

  4. Ginnie says:

    So true, Cherry. You won’t know what hit you!

  5. Astrid says:

    So true indeed and I love the picture with it, Great colours.

  6. Amfortas says:

    I used to live on a mountain, surrounded by trees. It was quiet and peaceful, but the view was of…. well.. trees. Now I live overlooking a waterscape where boats and yachts ply the little waves, the waters change with the breeze and the tide and the sunshine. Sometimes it is like diamonds by the ton, scattered across the estuary; points of light on blue. Other times it is steel gray with patterns. The sunsets are magnificent.

    • CherryPie says:

      Trees are nice as they change through the seasons but a waterscape with sunsets is much more varied. I would be in my element there ;-)

  7. Belle image romantique

  8. The Yum List says:

    That seems to be just about the only thing in life that is guaranteed – change.

  9. shabana says:

    what Glorious and serene sky Cherie!

    very true .who live by souls there adventures are uplifting and phenomenal

  10. Cherish every moment!