San Giacomo Carthusian Monastery

La Charterhouse of San Giacomo is one of the oldest structures on Capri, built in 1371 by Count Giacomo Arcucci of Capri, Secretary to Jeanne I of Anjou, and originally a convent.

The original convent is composed of three buildings: an annex housing the pharmacy and women’s chapel, open to the public; a building dedicated to the lay brothers with storerooms, stables, and workshops; and the cloisters, including the Greater Cloister lined by individual cells, and the Lesser Cloister, with a number of rooms dedicated to those sworn to the monastic life.

During the 1500s, the Charterhouse suffered extensive damage during a number of pirate assaults, which were a danger at the time. Restoration work lasted until 1636, when the invading French commandeered the complex to be used as a barrackshospital, and, until 1898, a military prison for anarchists and soldiers. In 1927, an extensive restoration was begun under the Superintendent Gino Chierici, who brought the Charterhouse back to its former splendor as a 12th century convent.

The former refectory hall holds canvases by Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach, a German painter belonging to the European Symbolism Movement, who lived on Capri until his death in 1913. In the Prior’s apartments, there are often temporary photography and contemporary art exhibitions, while the outdoor spaces host important events, including concerts and live shows.

San Giacomo Carthusian Monastery


San Giacomo Carthusian Monastery

San Giacomo Carthusian Monastery

San Giacomo Carthusian Monastery

10 Comments CherryPie on Apr 23rd 2018

10 Responses to “San Giacomo Carthusian Monastery”

  1. I find it interesting what all things that building is use for. But for me I would use it for a place to just set and drink coffee or day and joy the day,

    Coffee is on

  2. Astrid says:

    What an amazing place to visit and what a rich history this has, Cherry. The last picture is wonderful. I googled “images” of this Monastery and it is quite the complex. I like what Dora, above, said.

    • CherryPie says:

      We could have stayed a little while longer be we had to leave as it was closing. It was just as well, we would have missed the ferry due to the queues waiting to get down on the cable car.

  3. Amfortas says:

    History overtakes such places and we are fortunate that they were not completely destroyed.

    • CherryPie says:

      I think you will enjoy the frescoes in what remains of the church. They are the subject of the post after my latest on the artworks of Karl Wilhelm :-)

  4. What a fascinating place – and thanks so much for all the information :)

  5. Look at the blue sky!
    Too blue. ;)