Today is the fourth day of a walking challenge I have committed to. The challenge is to reach 10000 steps each day. I know there are some days, that I will not be able to achieve that step count in a day. When I am travelling long distances in a car to meet up with family or go to a holiday destination, that step count will be challenging and unlikely to happen.
My own personal goal is to achieve on average over 10000 steps per day over the 50 day challenge which started 14 May 2018.
This afternoon I stepped out from my house for a walk. It was lovely and sunny, although a little bit chilly.
I do adore gardens. Makes me want to go for a stroll.
These pictures are of walkways near to my house
It been a little bit on the hot side here in North Idaho. But the last few days it cooled off a bit.
Coffee is on
The weather today was much warmer than it was in the past couple of days.
i have a similar step tracker and i found it is a bit of a challenge to do it on a daily basis, 7000-8000 is reasonable but on weekends i tend to walk more. so on an average i just might be able to touch 10,000.
I am finding it a challenge too. Whilst I was working I found myself doing 5000 to 8000 and thought it would be easy to do 10000 if I was not working.
I actually found it harder to put in steps after I stopped working and I walked even less. The challenge has upped my step count but it is a challenge to me to reach that level.
Today was difficult as we spent a lot of time in the car. I had to go for a walk around the block when we got home to up my step level to nearer the 10000 point.