St Mary's Church


15 Comments CherryPie on Nov 17th 2018

15 Responses to “St Mary’s Church – Ely”

  1. Beautiful poppies and church. So many churches have displays this year – yesterday went to St Mary’s Warwick where the displays were wonderful.

  2. The Yum List says:

    The War Museum in Canberra does a beautiful ceremony for Remembrance Day.

  3. I am glad to see you visited Ely, Cherie, and are seeing much more of it that I ever have. The cathedral is rather awesome, even for irreligious me. Ely is a special place.

    • Andrew Scott says:

      Ha… I thought I had killed off MacLaren-Scott and was commenting as my real self. He seems a hard man to kill off :) Will have to review my settings.

      • Andrew Scott says:

        Forgive me please, for now using your blog to test something. I am hoping this comment’s name finally links to the real me and the end of MacLaren-Scott will be confirmed :) Feel free to delete any or all or my comments :) Glad you seem to be having a good visit.

    • CherryPie says:

      Cathedrals and other old churches have something for everyone. There is the sense of the past and history, the feeling of those feet that have been there over the years and incredible art!

      We really loved Ely and want to return. We enjoyed it more that we did Cambridge last year and it is difficult to explain why.

  4. Astrid says:

    We watched the ceremony on TV. I love the crocheted poppies here.

  5. Oh have you seen any white poppies this year?
    I saw a couple!
    Wow, I couldn’t help but think of the Wars of the Roses.

  6. Anne says:

    Love those poppies!