
Lyme Regis boasts breathtaking scenery and a special mystique, making it a sparkling resort for all seasons. Its historic Cobb and harbour are iconic features, set against moody blue cliffs yielding fossilised evidence of life on earth millions of years ago.

An ancient town featured in the Domesday Book, Lyme Regis is home to a number of historical landmarks and educational attractions. The picturesque and tranquil Lyme Regis is a great place to discover a lot you didn’t know about the UK’s heritage.









14 Comments CherryPie on Aug 4th 2019

14 Responses to “Lyme Regis”

  1. Hels says:

    The idea of the Domesday Book was brilliant back then. And the appearance of Lyme Regis in the Domesday Book is pretty impressive! In Australia, we think 1850 is VERY old for a town.

  2. Sackerson says:

    Lovely place, we hope to revisit soon.

    I like that first photo in particular.

  3. Lovely photos – it is such a wonderful town and I love the ammonite lamp posts. Your photos have made me want to return!! :)

  4. lowcarbdiabeticJan says:

    What lovely photographs, they have made me want to visit … perhaps later on in the year I will!

    All the best Jan

  5. Interesting lamp
    Coffee is on

  6. Ayush says:

    some beautiful shots here, especially with that almost spotless blue sky and those fine lamp posts.

  7. Ammonites must be the symbol of the town.
    Is it legal to collect fossil shells by the shore?