Greek Bath-House

Probably, already in the advanced 1st century AD, this side of the forum seems to have already been occupied by the bath-building, which was enlarged in the 2nd century AD, superimposing and obliterating the Hellenistic public building. Excavations carried out in 1964-1966, and later in 1988 found a row of three heated rooms (calidaria) dated from Antanini era (2nd century AD). the ground plan of the baths does not appear to follow the canonical axial type. It has been assumed , that the tepidarium was also formed by three rooms in a row on the opposite side (north), now incorporated in the houses of Via della Zecca, which can approximately give the overall dimensions of the bath-building as about 38 x 27m. These considerable dimensions as well as the marble crustae of paretial coverings and the mosaic ceilings testify the public character of the baths. *

Greek Bath-House

*from a sign board next to the baths.

8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 14th 2019

8 Responses to “Greek Bath House – Taormina”

  1. Now you have my curiosity on history of bath house. I google bath house near me and the local spa came up.
    Coffee is on

  2. This place just needs a some TLC

  3. shabana says:

    through your second image i could learn the whole building ,Romans were best in their architecture !