The longest journey begins with a single step.
Lao Tzu
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
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14 Comments CherryPie on Mar 30th 2020
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thank you for wise words dear Cheri
indeed it is always first step that begins the journey
the thought that makes it happen matters even more
stay well my friend and blessed!
Best wishes to you. Stay well in these uncertain and challenging times.
Keep walking, Cherie. I hope you are happy with the Government’s exercise guidelines. Can you still do your 1,000 mile challenge?
I should still be able to achieve my 1000 mile challenge
I am a little bit behind my own personal challenge in relation to that.
The problem I have had over the past week is that so many other people are walking up and down past my house (people I have never seen before) that I wasn’t sure I would be able to do ’safe distancing’. There are a lot of people not respecting it, especially in supermarkets.
Yesterday Mr C and I were sitting in our dining room just after lunch when we watched two people one cycling and one walking stop for a chat on the pavement just outside our garden!
The walkers seemed to have subsided today, if it is the same tomorrow I will go out for a walk. I have planned a suitable pathway avoiding narrow paths and places where people may congregate.
Today I walked my garden circuit to build up my miles
I read, a Frenchman ran a Marathon these days – on his balcony.
No joke.
I am hoping the sudden influx of walkers on my street will subside so that I can go out on a walk that I have always had mostly to myself. I would love to see the ducklings swimming on the pool and other signs that spring is emerging.
For now it is my garden, but I am more tempted to sit there rather than walk around it
And so it (the longest journey) ends. ; -)
Keep well, CherryPie. My good thoughts are with you.
And so it does
I am looking forward to late summer and autumn when hopefully things will be better.
Keep safe and in these uncertain times dear Sean.
Nowadays each day has to be seen as one more step (although towards what, I wonder)
I think we are currently living in a Sci Fi movie!
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off …”

Don’t forget we are still encouraged to get out for up to one hour a day. That should be a good three or four miles. Then for me (not knowing how far your shops are away), I can stroll down to the shops for essentials like bread, milk, fruit and veg, which I’m pleased to say are all freely available here in BE.
Since I’ve still been feeling a bit cooped up here, for exercise I have also taken to walking around the house naked.
The Police have just left. They tell me that if I insist on walking around the house naked I must do it on the inside.
Keep safe
Bernard xx
I haven’t been able to get out for a walk yet. Now Boris has said everyone can go for a walk I see all sorts random people walking up and down outside the front of the house and also hear them along the bridle path at the back which is busier than usual. Not all of the walkers are keeping a safe distance. So I haven’t yet identified a suitable time slot. My normal one isn’t available!
Supplies are a bit random and difficult near us due to people panic buying and stripping the shelves.
HaHa at your joke
Look after yourself and stay safe xx
The single step starts from home, right?
Yes, in more ways than one