Mediaeval Wall Painting - Lichfield Cathedral

Above the door inside the Chapter House one of three the  mediaeval paintings that can be found within Lichfield Cathedral can be seen. It shows the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The other two paintings are located in the South Isle of the Cathedral. One of the paintings depicts the Crucifixion, the other depicts  the Holy Trinity with the crucified Christ lying across the knees of God the Father.

Mediaeval Wall Painting - Lichfield Cathedral

Mediaeval Wall Painting - Lichfield Cathedral

4 Comments CherryPie on Feb 19th 2022

4 Responses to “Lichfield Cathedral – Mediaeval Wall Paintings”

  1. Shabana says:

    paintings look unique and fascinating narrator of history :)

    thanks for sharing my friend

  2. The Yum List says:

    Amazing to have a look into the past through the paintings.