… at Attingham Park

Fungus Home

The pumpkin patch has now been harvested and the cabbages look delicious.


Cabbage Patch

As I started my walk the rain set in so I wasn’t able to take many photos. Back at the car, after my walk the rain eased off to almost nothing!

9 Comments CherryPie on Sep 30th 2024

9 Responses to “Autumn is Progressing…”

  1. Hels says:

    I wouldn’t like the rain and cold weather. but then your vegetables look so lush, it is worth surviving some wet days. Do your flowers and trees also look terrific?

  2. Can’t wait for winter to arrive! Hurray! :) Ha

  3. lisl says:

    They know how to grow good stuff, Cherie

  4. Sean says:

    Uff. Once again I took my intention for my deed.
    But now:
    Autumn is progressing, indeed.
    A golden October day today in Seanhenge, though, but the days are definitely getting shorter.

    • CherryPie says:

      This year all my intentions have been blown off course…
      Mum’s health, hospital stays and ongoing appointments, many of which are dropped on us at the last minute meaning I have to shuffle my own personal commitments around.

      It is difficult to find a little time for myself but autumn colours always give me joy :-)

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