Photos are a mixture from both my stays at Stoberry House.
Archive for the 'Wells 2016' Category
Filed under Holidays, Wells 2016, Wells 2017
Lady Hamilton Revisited
10 Comments CherryPie on Apr 29th 2017
Filed under Gardens, Holidays, Wells 2016
Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week
Peace is the fairest form of happiness.
William Ellery Channing
4 Comments CherryPie on Apr 17th 2017
Filed under Faith Foundations, Holidays, Science & Nature, Wells 2016
Moon Rising Over Salisbury Cathedral
I couldn’t quite get the angle to frame the moon and the cathedral in the same photograph. I could have done with a bit of time but my companion would probable have got bored and impatient whilst I wandered around for the perfect angle.
The second photo shows the top of one of the trees from [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Jan 16th 2017
Filed under Art, Heritage, Holidays, Wells 2016
Wooden Ram
This delightful wooden ram is situated above the the Smith England Hairdressing Salon.
The wooden ram above dates from the shop’s former use by Stonehenge Woolen Industries, set up in the early C20th by Catherine Lovibond, with the aim of regenerating the rural economy. The firm continued in business till 1959. *
The ram was recently renewed [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Jan 14th 2017
Filed under Holidays, Wells 2016
During my July visit to Salisbury I was rather taken with Roly’s Fudge Pantry’s presentation of Stonehenge. An article from the Salisbury Journal provided more information:
STONEHENGE has had a tasty makeover in time for National Fudge Day which takes place today [June 16, 2016].
Roly’s Fudge Pantry has unveiled what is dubbed as ‘Fudgehenge’ for the [...]
14 Comments CherryPie on Jan 13th 2017
Filed under Books, Holidays, Wells 2016
Hidden Stonehenge: by Gordon R. Freeman
… Ancient Temple In North America Reveals The Key To Ancient Wonders
When I visited Stonehenge I was tempted and bought this book from the shop.
More than 30 years ago on the remote plains of southern Alberta, Canada, scientist Gordon Freeman discovered a Sun Temple. His study of the site led him to find incredible similarities [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Jan 12th 2017
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Wells 2016
Not as Quiet as it Seems…
Stonehenge was busier than portrayed in my previous photographs. With a little bit of patience and a few steps one way or another it was possible to take photographs that included very few people. Now I look at the wider picture I think that was some achievement on my part!
8 Comments CherryPie on Jan 11th 2017