…Beautiful scenery from my afternoon out and about in Shropshire
Archive for the tag 'Ludlow'
Filed under Anecdotes
The Bank Holiday Wash Out
Today was my first day back to work after the bank holiday weekend. Weather-wise it can only be described as a wash out. Rain, rain and more rain. However the weekend itself was not a wash out.
The new cooker has been repaired, all that was required was a new bolt on the fan. It turned [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Sep 2nd 2015
Filed under Anecdotes, Out & About
A Sunny Day
A orange globe appeared in the sky and stayed all weekend which is rather strange and unusual for a bank holiday. I had a busy weekend spring cleaning, but also found time to chill out and read for a while.
Today the weather was too good to miss so we headed out in the direction of [...]
18 Comments CherryPie on May 6th 2013
Filed under Heritage, Out & About
Stokesay Castle – Exterior Views
Stokesay castle as we see it today was built in the 1280s to 90s by Laurence of Ludlow who was a wool merchant and one of the richest men in England. Although it appears military in appearance it was not intended to withstand a serious siege, but was designed to protect his wealth and [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Jan 7th 2012