Archive for the tag 'Meeting'

I had yet another meeting today which I won’t dwell on too much except to say it was in my lunch hour, it was about the proposed public sector cuts and the person who had asked me for a lift to the meeting was trying to dictate to me what time I would leave to [...]

Comments Off CherryPie on Jun 22nd 2010

The day started off well, I got up in plenty of time which is unusual for me.  I was ready far too soon but decided to walk down to the station early to get cash and pay some money in at the bank.
It turns out that was the right decision because there was a bit [...]

10 Comments CherryPie on Jul 23rd 2009

I had a brief meeting in the PCS Regional office this afternoon. We were discussing the latest newsletter, which by default and inaction (from the rest of the editorial team) was left to me to collect the latest articles.
I thought I was going to be taught how to produce/collate the newsletter. I was quite [...]

16 Comments CherryPie on Jul 9th 2009