Unusually I wasn’t looking forward to coming home this evening and when I arrived my worst fears were realised… I wonder if the tree surgeons will be back tomorrow they seem to have missed a branch!! The birds that usually flit and fly around the tree seemed rather confused and were flying around at [...]
Archive for the tag 'Tree'
Filed under Anecdotes, Gardens
Branch Trimming – Day One
Here are some before and after shots. The beautiful Oak Tree in the early morning sunshine before it had the first of its branches removed followed by some photographs taken this evening. The weather has changed to suit the occasion. I dread to think what what sight I will come home to after day two [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on May 27th 2015
Filed under Holidays, Salisbury 2014
Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week
It is the mind that creates the world around us, and even though we stand side by side in the same meadow, my eyes will never see what is beheld by yours, my heart will never stir to the emotions with which yours is touched.
George Gissing (1857 – 1903)
22 Comments CherryPie on Jul 13th 2014
Filed under Gardens, Holidays, Salisbury 2014
Memorial Garden…
…The Rifles Berkshire and Wiltshire Museum.
16 Comments CherryPie on Jul 10th 2014
Filed under Art, Holidays, Newcastle & Crookham 2013
Meet Douglas
Douglas is carved from a 140-year-old fallen pine within in the grounds of the Cragside Estate. The artwork was created by Tommy Craggs from Durham.
The latest edition of the National Trust Magazine provides a brief news snippet:
Tree carvings can be seen in places ranging from inner-city Victorian parks to the great landscapes of the National [...]
16 Comments CherryPie on Feb 22nd 2014
Filed under This & That
Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week
You cannot conceive the many without the one… The study of the unit is among those that lead the mind on and turn it to the vision of reality.
10 Comments CherryPie on Dec 8th 2013
Believe one who knows: you will find more in woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach you that which can never learn from the masters.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1641 – 1712)
12 Comments CherryPie on Apr 14th 2013