It’s a shallow life that doesn’t give a person a few scars.
Garrison Keillor

In Sunshine

12 Comments CherryPie on May 10th 2009

12 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. luisa brehm says:

    beautiful, Fairy !!!
    lets see if i’m able to write now ;-) )))))))))))))
    i go change your link too ….
    magicccccccccc sunday love and kissessssssss

  2. luisa brehm says:

    done ;-) ))))))))))))))))

  3. jmb says:

    Nice thought Cherie and another beautiful photo.

    I am having trouble getting this new site onto my bloglines feed. It says when I try to subscribe that there is no available feed for the blog. I assume it is Wordpress and I certainly have other wordpress blogs, even typepad ones, on bloglines.

    Have you any ideas?

  4. jmb says:

    Err, I tried one more time and it worked. Who know why it did not other times? We shall see.

    • CherryPie says:

      Glad you like them :-)

      It is probably just being a little quirky. I still can’t get the MyBlogLog widget to work either.

  5. jameshigham says:

    White for purity.

  6. sally says:

    nice thought of the week… and great photo :-)

  7. Again, I love both the quote and the pic.

  8. CherryPie says:

    I am glad you enjoyed them :-)