
I posted a cropped version of Malmesbury Abbey entrance a few weeks ago. I cropped the photo because a garbage can was spoiling the view.

Malmesbury Abbey

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

26 Comments CherryPie on Jul 10th 2009

26 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Garbage”

  1. Annie says:

    Cool looking photo and a great take on the theme. I’ve cropped garbage cans out before too. Happy weekend.

  2. It does spol the view a little but better that than rubbish on the groun! Happy weekend

  3. Well I must agree the garbage can does change the look!

  4. luisa brehm says:

    i come always with the photohunt ;-) )))))))))))))))
    well, Fairy, at least it’s different of the classical views, great for the theme !!!
    magicccccccccccc weekend love and kissessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

  5. Phidelm says:

    Agree with Jams on the bin: could have been worse!
    Love the pic, Cherie. Beautiful, Romanesque doorway – unusual, because the more usual tympanum form isn’t followed; thus the carvings are part of the structure, rolling around and around and appearing more vivid as a result. Gorgeous!

  6. Well, it wasn’t that bad compared to some other cases.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. gengen says:

    Good entry and picture. Happy weekend. Mine is up.

  8. jmb says:

    I’m always doing that. Accidentally including garbage cans, or sometimes it is impossible to remove them and they spoil a good photo op. I suppose one could photoshop them away, if I knew how.

    Happy weekend to you Cherie

  9. srp says:

    I guess the can is not as bad as having it all over the ground, but they do make a distraction for pictures don’t they! My construction trash or garbage is up.

  10. jameshigham says:

    Maybe there should be a second bin for a stereo effect.

  11. Dragonstar says:

    Crazy, isn’t it? We spend so much time editing the rubbish out of our photos – and back it comes for this week’s theme!

  12. liz says:

    What a strange place to put a bin!!

  13. Bernard says:

    All these little bins have been appearing outside many public buildings…I think it’s all to do with the ‘Smoking Ban’ in public places.