
I was struggling for for inspiration for this theme, when I suddenly remembered that there was lots of music at the Women’s Chainmakers festival that I attended in September.  We didn’t stay for all the music but this barbershop quartet were very good and also amusing.

There was also a brass band to lead the celebratory march and display of banners that took place around the Black Country museum.


Leading the March

Renacting the Struggle

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

24 Comments CherryPie on Nov 13th 2009

24 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Music”

  1. Claudia says:

    I went on YouTube, and heard it all. Very interesting, CherryPie.
    A great speech, too. What a fun, historical day!

  2. Looks like a great day out Cherie. Nice take on the theme

  3. Sasha says:

    I tried accessing your site a little while ago but couldn’t get on. Glad to see that I can now :)

    I’ve often wondered about your “Photo Hunt”…is this something a person can join? If so, how? I’d like to join :) I think it would be a good way for me to have another pleasant distraction and get my sudden find in photography (albeit an extremely amateur one with a digi camera) going.

    • CherryPie says:

      Hi Sasha, glad to see you back :-)

      There was a problem with the host and it was down for most of the weekend. I am looking into other hosting options.

      Yes anyone can join PhotoHunt, the themes can be found here. You just need to do your post on the Friday or Saturday and then add your link in the comments section of that weeks theme on the PhotoHunt site which is here.

  4. One funny thing I noticed is the barrier in front of the barbershop singers to protect them from the crowd…..sorry that has really tickled me!!!!

  5. jmb says:

    It’s funny how an idea suddenly pops into your head for Photo Hunt when the second before you dont have a clue.

    Very good choices Cherie.

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Bernard says:

    You could have ‘pinched’ any on music from my blog. The organs and the ‘Bubble Man’ would have done well. Or is that cheating?

  7. Phidelm says:

    Interesting choices, Cherie.

  8. jameshigham says:

    Is it Women Chainmakers or Women’s Chainmakers?

    • CherryPie says:

      It is – Women Chainmakers’ Festival

      I always get it typed up back to front, I seem to have a mental block when it comes to typing that up properly!

  9. Barbershop Quartets are so amazing! Wonderful photos.

    Happy Photo Hunting! I hope you get a chance to visit my post today at New York Happy trails!

  10. CY says:

    Hi there. Great shot of the band. The last time that I saw one was like 20 years ago when I myself was in the school band! Haha. Have a great weekend. CY

  11. Sasha says:

    Thank you Cherry Pie for your welcome back and for the information. I shall try to see if I can join in with the photo hunt within the next two weeks. I think I’m going to enjoy this, not that I’m very good with photography, but joining in is going to be fun :)