
I am very fond of Coffee & Walnut Cake and the one they make at Attingham Park is the best I have ever tasted. Now you know why I like to find excuses to visit Attingham Park ;-)

My Fave ;-)

18 Comments CherryPie on Feb 25th 2010

18 Responses to “100 Photos 7 :: Coffee & Walnut Cake”

  1. jameshigham says:

    That’s sheer cruelty, Cherie.

  2. Cruelty but a delicious cruelty!

  3. Claudia says:

    Yes! There are good, yummy moments in life.

  4. MTG says:

    I could snaffle that in one bite and the plate is at risk too, CP.

  5. -eve- says:

    Mmm, that looks delicious – such a thick layer of coffee cream! :-)

  6. Jaycee says:

    I remember having a substantial piece of one of these lovely cakes sitting outside the Arboretum Cafe in Lincoln. I went inside to the little boys room and by the time I came out, a thieving grey squirrel had dragged most of it on to the floor. The little get!

    • CherryPie says:

      I think the moral of the story is not to leave coffee & walnut cake unattended because it is so irresistible!

      I don’t think I would tackle a grey squirrel to get it back though.

  7. Phidelm says:

    Mmmm, one of my favourites too! Excellent pic; hm, bit too good …;-)!

  8. Phidelm says:

    And what exactly happened to that slimming diet of yours, young lady :-) ?!