
The Zodiac clock at Snowshill Manor is a perfect example of monthly.

Time for a Rest?

Zodiac Clock

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

18 Comments CherryPie on May 21st 2010

18 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Monthly”

  1. sassy mom says:

    Perfect indeed!

    That’s a lovely zodiac clock.

  2. Wow that;s a beauty. Great choice for the theme

  3. sally says:

    wow what a great looking clock , would look fab in my garden :-)

  4. Mar says:

    What an interesting and beautiful zodiac clock, I have never seen one before!! great take on this difficult theme 8)


  5. MTG says:

    I do like to play the alfresco version when the host can afford to lose the darts.

  6. Scott says:

    Nice pics and a great take on the theme. I hope you have a great weekend.

  7. Manang Kim says:

    My first time to see like this for a zodiac sign, very interesting. Thansk for sharing and happy Sunday!

    Photo Hunt~Monthly

  8. Annie says:

    Wow, that is such a cool clock! I’ve never seen one – love your photos and your take on the theme.

  9. Ellee says:

    I’ve been to Snowshill Manor on two occasions and it is absolutely stunning. I highly recommend it.