
One of the places I visited during my long weekend was Burton Agnes Hall.  The hall has a very fine garden which is one of the best I have visited. I will be posting on both the hall and the garden more fully in due course, but for now meet Agnes (the 2nd).

Whilst designing the garden, the owners of the hall decided that a water feature would enhance one of the garden rooms. They approached a local lead-worker and fountain maker (David Marston) to see if he could make a water feature for the garden:

We thought it would be nice to have an animal – possibly a crocodile – but it would look rather silly squirting water – and then suddenly it was obvious which animal squirts water – an elephant. I went back to see Mr. Marston with an elephant ornament which was the design we wanted and he duly made one for us. We then had to make a small pond for her (she was called Agnes) to squirt water into. she arrived, was fixed to a stone slab and squirted away happily for the rest of the summer. Sadly the following winter during a windy December evening she was stolen. *

Thankfully David was able to replace Agnes the 1st and provide her with suitable metal poles in the base of her feet so she could be firmly grounded.

Underneath Agnes’ trunk in the first picture you may just be able to make out a tap above the pool.  Closer inspection (see the second photo) reveals that the tap is a little unusual.



For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

*Information from The making of a new Elizabethan Garden by Susan Cunliffe-Lister

26 Comments CherryPie on Jun 11th 2010

26 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Bubbles”

  1. jmb says:

    I used a fountain in my previous photo hunt so didn’t think of it this time.

    Aren’t people horrible? Fancy stealing the the fountain.

    Happy weekend to you Cherie.

  2. YTSL says:

    A little bit of whimsy in life can be a very nice thing! :)

  3. Annie says:

    I love this garden! Nice photos too, both of them. Thanks for visiting mine and have a great weekend.

  4. Criz Lai says:

    Wow! It’s a mini zoo out there but I’m loving every details on them. Great shots there Cherry. :)

  5. Nice shots I love the elephant fountain!

  6. gengen says:

    It is unique and cute. Happy hunting.

  7. Marta says:

    I love the elephant fountain. Perfect with the trunk sprout.

  8. Eden says:

    Cool photos for the theme. Mine is up too, right here:

  9. jameshigham says:

    It least it wasn’t a mannekin.

  10. Alice Audrey says:

    I love the elephant water squirter and the handle of the tap too.

  11. Mar says:

    What a lovely fountain, hope Agnes the 2nd lives a long life squirting water. The tap handle is a wonderful surprise!!
    Happy PH and weekend .