Earth is so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.
Douglas Jerrold

Nature's Harvest

10 Comments CherryPie on Jul 25th 2010

10 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. What a delightful quote!

  2. Bernard says:

    Wet earth, maybe.
    Dry earth – never! :(
    I just wish the ‘heavens’ would tickle my garden with a good dollop of the wet stuff.
    Then, maybe, I could get my hoe in the ground! :)

    • CherryPie says:

      We just have to take nature by surprise and tickle her toes when she is least suspecting it ;-) which means wait until after the rain an go do that tickling :-)

  3. jameshigham says:

    … except in Scotland.

  4. Claudia says:

    Amusingly said, and fantastic result.

  5. JD says:

    tickle my garden and it sneezes dandelion spores all over the place