
The guidebook tells me that the first dinner to be held in ‘The Great Dining Room’ at Chatsworth was for the 13-year old Princess Victoria:

It was her first adult dinner and there was a cooked rehearsal the day before. The 6th Duke wrote, “it is like dining in a giant trunk and you expect the lid to open”.

He brought portraits by van Dyck from his other houses to hang on the walls. In 1996-2001, Chatsworth’s textile team replaced the damaged silk on the walls and made new window curtains, exact copies of the 6th Duke’s.

The current Duke and Duchess still use the room to  host dinners on very special occasions.

As you can see there are several frames in the dining room.

The Great Dining Room

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

27 Comments CherryPie on Aug 27th 2010

27 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Framed”

  1. Sean Jeating says:

    Ahem, why would I’ve immediately felt attracted by this giant trunk? :)

  2. Ooh an excellent choice for the theme Cherie!

  3. Janice says:

    I do believe I’d be terrified of spilling something on that ever so elegantly set table…but then again there is not the slightest chance of an invitation so I can relax :)
    How are you Cherie?

  4. Annie says:

    Imagine having to rehearse for a dinner! It’s a beautiful dining room, for sure, with some nice art in those frames. Happy weekend.

  5. Ruth says:

    “Framed” in the grandest of ways :-)

  6. jameshigham says:

    The concept of a “cooked rehearsal” is wonderful.

  7. what a gorgeous table and a beautiful spread! very impressive.

  8. Manang Kim says:

    The frames are definitely beautiful. But my eyes went to see the beautiful red glasses too. Happy weekend!
    Photo Hunt-Framed

  9. Those are certainly eye-catching frames!

  10. Susanne says:

    Wow, so rich in color and details. Very nice shot.

  11. jmb says:

    What an elegant place for dining. Lovely photo Cherie. I wish I had the courage to paint my walls red but I guess you need larger rooms so it isn’t overwhelming.

    I have a American friend whose family “lost their money” over the years but she told me that when she was a child Thanksgiving was always celebrated at their house because their dining room table could seat 75!

    Have a good week.

    • CherryPie says:

      Crikey she must have had an enormous house!! Imagine catering for that many people… The most I have had round my dining table is 11.

      I hope you have a good week too.